Singing Waters

Lewis County, NY

Singing Waters Stone With Plaque
At the entrance to Singing Waters
Singing Waters Bridge
Bridge along the path
Path at Singing Waters
The path is an easy walk to the waterfall

Singing Waters, located in Lewis County, New York, is a captivating natural phenomenon that attracts visitors with its unique and melodious charm. Nestled amidst the tranquil surroundings, this enchanting destination is renowned for the musical sounds it produces as water flows over limestone formations. As the water cascades down the rocks, it creates harmonious tones reminiscent of a natural orchestra, filling the air with a symphony of melodies. The mesmerizing acoustics of Singing Waters make it a truly remarkable and unforgettable experience for all who have the pleasure of visiting.

Fish Creek
The view of Fish Creek

The geological formation responsible for this musical wonder is known as tufa, a type of limestone that has a porous texture. Over time, as water permeates through the tufa, it produces resonant vibrations that resonate with the surrounding environment. The result is an ethereal and almost otherworldly sound that gives the falls its name, Singing Waters. This natural symphony provides a unique and immersive experience, enticing visitors to pause and listen, allowing the soothing sounds to wash over them and create a sense of peace and harmony.

Singing Waters Waterfall
A view of the waterfall

Aside from its acoustic marvels, Singing Waters offers visitors a picturesque setting surrounded by lush greenery and pristine landscapes. The falls themselves, though not towering in height, possess a delicate beauty as water cascades over the limestone, creating intricate patterns and channels. The tranquil atmosphere of the surrounding area invites visitors to immerse themselves in nature’s embrace, with ample opportunities for peaceful walks, picnics, and quiet contemplation. Singing Waters in Lewis County, New York, is a hidden gem that promises a one-of-a-kind auditory experience, coupled with the serene beauty of its surroundings, making it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and seekers of unique natural wonders.

Singing Waters Waterfall
A view of the waterfall from a different angle
Singing Waters Waterfall
The waterfall is right near the path, it’s easy to get close and take good pictures