Waverly Glen Falls

Waverly Glen Park

Waverly, NY

Waverly Glen Falls
Waverly Glen Falls – standing at the foot of the falls

Waverly Glen Falls, located in Waverly Glen Park in upstate New York, is a hidden gem that delights visitors with its serene beauty. This picturesque waterfall cascades gracefully down a series of rock ledges, creating a mesmerizing display of flowing water.

Path to Waverly Glen Falls
The path to Waverly Glen Falls

Standing at approximately 50 feet tall, Waverly Glen Falls exudes tranquility and offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The surrounding lush greenery adds to the charm of the falls, creating a peaceful and enchanting atmosphere.

Path to Waverly Glen Falls
Waverly Glen falls from a distance

Whether it’s the gentle sound of the waterfall, the mist in the air, or the vibrant colors of the surrounding foliage, Waverly Glen Falls offers a sensory experience that soothes the soul and leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.

Waverly Glen Falls